Thank you for my Versatile Blogger Award

23 Jun

Versatile  Blogger Award. 2jpg

I am just completely chuffed to bits with this award so a huge thanks to Nimmiafzal from Adorable Life for the nomination.  So the rules are relatively simple, you need to thank and tag the person who nominated you,  give seven facts about you and then nominate 15 other deserving bloggers.


  1. I have lived in four different countries and while I have settled in the UK,  I hope I get the chance to live in a few more yet.
  2. I think about food CONSTANTLY, seriously I spend almost every waking moment thinking about  menus, recipes and what I’m making for dinner.
  3. I would love more than ANYTHING to work in a food related field,  but would hate to be a chef.
  4. I have been really privileged to count as members of my family some of the coolest dogs in the worldCaptain (28)
  5. I hardly ever make the same recipe twice,  I just can’t resist the urge to tweak things much to my better half’s dismay.
  6. I love writing and reading and long hot baths.
  7. I have a love/loath relationship with Tastespotting and Foodgawker.



This was incrediblydifficult,  not only are there so many amazing blogs out there a LARGE percentage of my favourite blogs have already received a Versatile Blogger Award- so if I’ve nominated you for an award you already have I do apologise.

9 Responses to “Thank you for my Versatile Blogger Award”

  1. Kath Torbet June 23, 2014 at 9:12 pm #

    Many congratulations; well deserved! My confession is that most of my “signature recipes” are now from your blog and I love cooking “alongside” you. Very well done.

    • fudgingood June 24, 2014 at 7:36 pm #

      Thanks so much Kath, you really are being a little too kind. Having people cook alongside me is exactly why I started this lark – so mission accomplished 😀

  2. andcece June 24, 2014 at 1:59 pm #

    Thank you so much for the nomination! I’m new to this, it’s nice to know someone out there likes me!

    • fudgingood June 24, 2014 at 7:20 pm #

      You are really more than welcome. I love your food and your photography 🙂

  3. sophiezest June 25, 2014 at 6:33 pm #

    Thank you very much for nominating me! My blog is quite a random collection of thoughts (seen from the outside – it all makes perfect sense to me!) so it’s nice to know someone enjoys it…

  4. afracooking June 29, 2014 at 11:52 am #

    Totally deserved! Congratulations with the award!!!

  5. sexycuisine July 4, 2014 at 9:22 pm #

    thank you very much for the nomination . i really appreciate it ..


  1. Versatile blogging: thanks for the nomination! | beautifulsimplemeaningful - June 25, 2014

    […] was delighted to be nominated recently for the Versatile Blogging Award by fudginggood, who makes some very yummy looking recipes. Thank […]

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